I feel so tired and right now i need all the energy i can get. Is it that i haven't been eating well the past few days. Or is it the emotional stress? I am facing an extremely difficult personal decision. I am getting many contradicting advice but very little support. I have to start preparing for my summer job and decide whether or not to go on a small internship to Africa. I also have to start working on a couple of relatively big projects which will b due in 3 weeks.
You have been following your instinct and heart till now.. i don't see a reason to stop doing so.
But if they are leading u to a dead end, at what point do u start thinking reason instead
Instinct has more experience than mind, no matter how much your mind shows you its a dead end, your instinct turns out to be right at the end.
And if your instinct turned out to be wrong, still you will have no regrets of whatever you have done.
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